Salone degli Incanti / Ex Pescheria Centrale
Amazonia by Sebastião Salgado
fino al 13 ottobre
There are over 200 photographs on display, depicting the vegetation, rivers, mountains and people who populate the Amazon forest. It is an immersive journey through the inhabitants culture, a dazzling experience of discovering the Amazons by grasping the immense power of the nature and their fragility. Curated by Civita Mostre e Musei and Contrasto, Municipality of Trieste with the support of PromoTurismoFVG and the Trieste Convention and Visitors Bureau and organized by Civita Mostre e Musei and Contrasto. Zurich global partner of the entire international tour of the exhibition and Illycaffè partner for Trieste.
36°Concorso per le Arti Figurative
fino al 7 giugno
In mostra esposte le opere di artisti, nati o residenti o iscritti o diplomati in un Istituto della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, che al 31 dicembre 2023 non avevano compiuto i 35 anni, che hanno partecipato al 36°Concorso per le Arti Figurative, il cui bando ha consentito loro la più ampia libertà di espressione. A cura di: Fondazione Caraian
Antonio Ligabue
fino al 30 giugno
A prestigious exhibition dedicated to Antonio Ligabue, an anthology which, for the first time in Friuli Venezia Giulia, tells of the life and work of a man who made his art the redemption of his very existence.
Vincent Van Gogh
fino al 30 giugno
The exhibition gathers over 50 masterpieces by Van Gogh, coming from the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, that document the painter’s artistic career from the dark landscapes of his youth, to the drawings and oils dedicated to the theme of weavers. Also exhibited some works depicting the landscapes and moments of the artist's social llife during his stay in Paris and paintings of St. Remy and Auvers-Sur-Oise, where he put an end to his tormented life. The exhibitionis enriched by the two portraits of Monsieur and Madame Ginoux, created in 1890. Curated by: Arthemisia, Municipality of Trieste
Timeless – the Bora is shadowless
Dal 2 al 25 giugno
God made the food, the devil the cooks
Dal 14 giugno al 14 luglio
An exhibition by Roberto Abbiati. Instead of watercolor I should use dark beer, red wine and spicy sauce" - says Abbiati, also author of the gastronomic image of the 2024 festival - because when reading a chapter of his book, it feels like wearing a jacket that smells of roast, sleeves of fish and shirts of pineapple cotton candy. You have to be able to depict smells and scents like Joyce’s writing.” 5pm to 8pm. Free entry.
Ernest N. Rogers. Letters to a Stranger
Dal 24 al 30 giugno
This Guglielmo Manenti exhibition aims at raise awareness of some of the lesser-known and intimate aspects of one of the architects of the urban transformation of Borgo San Sergio in the 1950s, namely, Ernesto N. Rogers. Curated by: University Theater Center
Dal 19 luglio al 4 agosto
Komorebi in Japanese means the “light that filters through the leaves of the trees”, a short but intense moment that expresses a state of mind, an elusive sensation. The watercolor artworks on display depict a discovery, dialogue and knowledge of the place painted and loved by the artist Marina Legovini. By: La Corte dell'Arte - Spazio Alba Gurtner Cultural Association
From Ljubljana to Trieste, the Aurisina stone from Karst and Istria in Italy around the world
fino al 14 luglio
Images and pixels
Dal 16 luglio al 4 agosto
Nourishing Art
Dal 7 al 25 agosto
Comparing Expressions – III Edition
Dal 22 agosto al 15 settembre
Let us begin with the children. Books as bridges - homage to the work of Jella Lepman
Dal 30 agosto al 8 settembre
The Sea by Riccardo Pergolis
Dal 6 settembre al 3 novembre
Riccardo Pergolis (1941 - 2018) was an interpreter of Trieste’s passion for the sea. A multifaceted intellectual, he was also a designer of pleasure craft in Trieste, Venice and England, which paves a path that helps to understand the history of boating in the upper Adriatic. The exhibition is based on the archive of images, notes and projects of boats, as well as on the naval architect’s personal library and will exhibit the progress of the design and construction phases of some of the yachts built by Riccardo Pergolis. This includes drawings, models, photographs and extracts from the notebooks dedicated to each construction and will be integrated with thematic and biographical insights. By: Museum of the Sea
Zigaina in scena
Palazzo Gopcevich – Sala Selva / Dal 31 luglio al 29 settembre
L’esposizione è incentrata sui tre lavori progettati da Zigaina per le scene del Teatro Verdi di Trieste tra la fine degli anni Sessanta e l’inizio degli anni Ottanta: «Il convitato di pietra» di Aleksandr Sergeevič Dargomyžskij (1969), «Carmen» di Georges Bizet (1970) e «Goyescas» di Enrique Granados (1982). A dialogare con i bozzetti di queste tre produzioni sono presenti in mostra i tre dipinti di Zigaina di proprietà del Museo Revoltella, per un omaggio al Maestro attraverso le sue opere custodite nelle civiche collezioni. A cura di: Comune di Trieste- Servizio Promozione Turistica, Musei, Eventi Culturali e Sportivi